Facial Reflexology for better skin, joy, and wellbeing

As living beings, we have a vital life force of energy flowing throughout our bodies. Just like our home or workplace is powered by electricity, our body is the same way. When the energy flows easily and freely, we feel good (physically, mentally, and spiritually) and we look healthy, confident, and vibrant! Stress, whether it is emotional or physical stress, acts as a block that stops the free-flowing energy through our bodies. These blockages can be felt and seen on our face. Facial Reflexology is a relaxing facial treatment that helps to clear these blockages by stimulating various points and zones on the face. By doing this, we calm the nervous system which in turn improves positive energy flow and communication of chemical messengers in the body.

During a facial reflexology treatment, we use a reflexology wand detector made of stainless steel to massage and release blocked areas in the face to restore healthy flow in your skin, your nervous system and to all systems of the body. It is deeply relaxing and nourishing. We consider this treatment an inside out approach to health and beauty.

Just a few of the benefits of facial reflexology:

  • Improved physical health
  • Clearer, brighter complexion
  • Skin looks more toned and lifted
  • Improved emotional wellbeing
  • Detoxifying
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduction in stress
  • Controlled cravings
  • Improvement in allergy symptoms
  • Pain management
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Improved digestion
  • Improve hair by stimulating growth and abundance
  • Move into a state of joy, love and contentment

Facial Reflexology is not just for the skin benefits; it is for improved health and wellbeing. Everyone can benefit from regular treatments. It has brought me great joy to train with one of the masters in facial reflexology so I can bring this healing modality into the treatment room at Sapphire Aesthetics. It is truly a one-of-a-kind treatment that must be experienced to truly grasp the power and changes that can come from it.

We have multiple options at Sapphire Aesthetics for experiencing facial reflexology: first and foremost, our Pure Energy Facial Meditation, which is a 30 minute facial reflexology treatment that is customized for you and your personal mind, body and soul needs. Then we have our famous Quantum Facial where fascia release and facial reflexology are the stars of the show. The combination of fascia release and facial reflexology is powerful! We also incorporate facial reflexology into any of our customized facials as time allows.

Are you ready to take a time out for yourself to improve your physical and mental wellbeing? We offer online scheduling so you can book your appointments, 24/7. We look forward to caring for you!

Can facials improve your health and well-being?

Have you ever had a facial that left you feeling disappointed, your skin looking worse, and your body feeling tense? On the contrary, have you experienced a facial that left your skin feeling hydrated and healthy, your confidence boosted and your body on cloud 9 from the release of tensions? Having been in the skincare industry for 18 years I have experienced and even delivered the gamut of facials. I started in medical aesthetics working with physicians to deliver result-oriented services like peels, lasers, microdermabrasion and an array of injectables. Over the past decade my philosophy on skin health has evolved to focus on the whole person when it comes to skin health and long-lasting results. I incorporate methods and modalities in the treatment room that aim at improving the whole being because our skin is just an extension of our internal balance (or imbalance) and health. For this very reason, I call facials, experiences because they should be just that, an experience that leaves you feeling cared for, nourished, and completely restored.

Here are ways that facials can improve your health:

  • Physical Touch: Touch is a key human need that lowers our blood pressure, boosts our immune system, improves mood by lowering stress hormones and releasing oxytocin and serotonin, improves quality of breath and can even relieve pain.
  • Improved circulation and lymphatic flow: Movement of the skin tissues brings healthy blood flow and fresh oxygen to the skin. Our lymphatic system is our body’s system of internal cleaning and detoxing. Unlike our heart which has a pump, our lymph system does not, therefore it requires us to get it moving. Facials that incorporate lymph opening and drainage techniques (like our facials), open the channels of detoxification. This reduces puffiness and congestion, improves skin tone by decreasing inflammation and even improves our immune system because health lymph flow releases white blood cells that filter out foreign invaders in the body.
  • Better sleep: Have you ever noticed that after a facial you sleep better? This is because facials can release stress from our nervous system.
  • Pain management: When we are relaxed and in the parasympathetic state, our bodies are in the rest and digest mode. In this state your nervous system is communicating with your feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters instead of with the stress hormones. Some of your feel-good hormones are oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin and dopamine.
  • Improved clarity and focus: Brain fog can be diminished after a facial because of the increase in blood flow from varying massage techniques. Also, the nervous system is in a state of balance, so this leads to clearing thinking.
  • You just feel good!!!! When you feel good, you attract more of the feel-good things into your life. It is a universal law of attraction!

Some of the modalities and techniques used during our facial experiences that lend to results in your skin and your overall well-being:

  • Providing a loving, welcoming and calming atmosphere with Solfeggio healing frequencies, a dim lit room, essential oils diffusing and a reiki attuned aesthetician.
  • Facial Reflexology: this is our star modality that offers an instant state of peace and calm that restores energy flow to the body. To read more about facial reflexology check out our Quantum Facial or our Pure Energy Facial Meditation.
  • LED Light Therapy: Low level light therapy delivers specific healing wavelengths of light energy to obtain therapeutic benefits for the skin, hair restoration and pain. The red light it emits also can help in the secretion of melatonin, which will lead to a better night’s sleep and improved mood.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage utilizing a methodical approach with my hands, facial cups, gua sha stone or facial reflexology wand.

Self-love in action…

I have been feeling compelled to talk about self-love, not just because it is the “love” month but also because I know that the heaviness of the world right now is really weighing on each and every one of us in different ways. And I see in myself as well as those I care about deeply, how we are fighting so hard to feel good, positive and joyful. As a mother, homeschooler and business owner, I have to prioritize making a conscious effort to do at least one thing (many times it is small) every day that truly nourishes me. I have also been working hard at giving myself grace and forgiveness as well as looking at my positives rather then the areas where I don’t excel.
What is self-love?
Self-love is the fuel that allows an individual to reach their full potential, it is filled with compassion, grace, and gentleness. Making space and prioritizing ourselves allows us to embrace our lives completely and wholeheartedly. Self-love is learning to extend kindness towards ourselves, even when we struggle and suffer.

Actions of self-love are not always indulgent and luxurious like spa days and vacations. It comes down to showing yourself the love & respect you need to be whole. Self-love should be a daily practice & can happen in even the smallest of moments. You can give a little love to yourself by mindfully drinking your cup of coffee free of distractions, feeling the warmth of the shower hit your back, connecting with nature & your breathe, listening to your favorite music & dancing, meditation, journaling….you get the picture!
Your action step today (and everyday) is to take 5 minutes for yourself. Make those 5 minutes truly count by being fully present-show up, be intentional, aware of your thoughts & feelings, & soak in any sensations. 5 minutes doesn’t seem long but if you make it truly count, it give you so much beauty in return!


Now that cooler weather is here, it is time to start thinking about how to un-do that summer sun damage. Here are 5 tips to get your most gorgeous skin ever!

• Increase exfoliation using a product that contains either glycolic acid, lactic acid or a gentle scrub with jojoba beads or bamboo. Regular exfoliation encourages cell turnover, which is the process of eliminating old dead skin cells with fresh, brighter skin.
• Re-assess your at home skin regimen. When the weather changes so can your skin’s needs. Minor changes in your skin care products can make huge differences in your skin.
• Consider adding our Brightening Serum into your skincare routine to combat any brown spots that surfaced during the summer months.
• Continue use of a daily sunscreen. The sun didn’t go into hiding now that the season has changed so daily use of sun protection with zinc oxide will protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. After all, UV exposure is the #1 cause of premature aging.
• Eat the rainbow. Your diet should be filled with an array of colorful fruits and veggies for optimal health and great skin!

5 Reasons to Get a Facial

5 Reasons to Get a Facial

There are many benefits to receiving professional facials from an Aesthetician. If you are craving brighter, healthier more beautiful skin; facial treatments can make a big difference. Here are 5 reasons you can benefit:

  1. Professional skin analysis: having your skin assessed by a professional will reveal your true skin type. Then the Aesthetician can match you up with the perfect skin care treatment and at home products that will bring out your very best skin.
  2. Improved circulation and lymphatic flow: Our skin is far from looking its best when circulation is impaired. In fact, massage and the stimulation of a facial can increase circulation and improve lymphatic flow exponentially. This can help detox the skin, reduce puffiness, lessen under eye circles, brighten dull skin and just give your skin a healthy, radiant glow.
  3. A mental and physical recharge: Dimmed lights, mellow music, aromatherapy and the gentle touch from an Aesthetician can make facial treatments extremely relaxing. Being in a state of relaxation offers a recharge for you both mentally and physically.
  4. Tips from an expert: Nothing beats getting beauty tips and tricks from a professional especially when those tips are catered to exactly what your skin needs.
  5. Professional grade exfoliation and superb hydration: many of the skin complaints I hear are due to skin dehydration and lack of exfoliation. All skin types NEED hydration (yes even oily skin types) and without the proper balance of moisture in the skin, issues like acne, sensitivity, and wrinkles worsen. The purpose of a professional treatment is to put the skin back in to healthy balance. An Aesthetician will pick the perfect type of exfoliation for your unique skin type to remove the dead skin cells and then restore your skin with customized hydration.

I am adding a number 6 because this is the most important of all:

  1. Because you darn well deserve it!!! We don’t often slow down long enough to take care of ourselves the way we should. We are caring for others and putting ourselves on the backburner but the truth is, we can’t serve from an empty cup. Taking time for a facial is just one fabulous way to fill your cup back up so you put your best foot forward for yourself and the loved ones in your life.